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Firebase Settings

Firebase is from Google for building app infrastructure, improving app quality, and growing your business. It is used for Google Login, SMS Login, Firebase Push Notification, Dynamic Link, Firebase Remote Config, SmartChat.

This guide shows you the basic way to configure Firebase on both Android and iOS.

On the App Builder, open your App. Then select Features, Firebase, and turn on the Enable Firebase option:

1. iOS

Step 1: Create Project in

Step 2: Add Firebase to your iOS app.

  • Open your firebase project console, click the gear icon in the upper left corner, and select Project setting

  • Select the IOS icon in the Your apps section

  • Fill in the information with:

    • IOS bundle Id: is bundle ID taken from your application.

      Please use the same for both iOS Bundle ID & Android package name__. ([Problem Internal Link] is to create iOS Bundle ID)

    • Recommend in reverse domain format. For example, your domain is, bundle ID and package name for your app should be ""Use only lowercase letters)

    • Enter app nickname (the name here is only used to distinguish between applications on firebase so you can set arbitrary).

    • App Store ID you can omit this parameter.

  • Click Register app

  • Click on the button Download GoogleService-Info.plist to download the file. (save this important file to use later)

  • Click Next

  • This step is already installed in Flickmax App Builder, click Next to continue

  • Click Next to continue

  • Next, press Continue to Console

  • Complete the process of creating an IOS application on firebase.

2. Android

Step 1: Open your project in

Step 2: Open your firebase project console, click the gear icon in the upper left corner, and select Project setting

Step 3: Click the Add app Button then select android icon in popup window

Step 4: Enter info about your app

  • Android package name is the name of packages on android.
    • Please use the same for both iOS Bundle ID & Android package name__.
    • Recommend in reverse domain format. For example, your domain is, bundle ID and package name for your app should be ""Use only lowercase letters.
    • Fill out the information and click Register app (You can omit the Debug signing certificate SHA-1 parameter)

Step 5: Download file google-services.json (save this important file to use later)

Click Next to continue...

Step 6: This step is Add Firebase SDK because our project has all set up already, so just click Next to continue.

Step 7: At this stage, it is possible that firebase will not detect your test device, but that's okay, just click Skip step to continue the following steps. (In case Firebase detect can click Continue to console)

  • Complete the process of creating an Android application on Firebase.