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After designing your app, sometimes you would like to export the change to save on your local. To do that, you can use the Export feature.

It is also useful for [Problem Internal Link] to App Stores.

  • To save the Design to your local, let’s export the .json files:

  • To save the Features Configuration to your local, export the env.dart file:

1. View the app in your language

If you want to view the design in Arabic (or other languages), please go to Features > Languages (in General) > set the Default Language > UPDATE > back to the Design to see the result.

2. Export config json files

Config json files are the Design/UI of your App (e.g. config_en.json is App Design in English), that you configured on the Design tab below:


To export config json files, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select Features > Export Data > input name to Config DESIGN textbox as below:

Config DESIGN textboxLanguage
input config_en.json stringto export English design
input config_ar.json stringto export Arabic design
Follow this guideto export other languages

Step 2: Click EXPORT to save the config json file on your local. That's all!


Make sure you also:

  1. If you want to update the App Design without re-publishing App Stores, make sure to configure following this guide.

  2. In case your app is multi-languages, please export config_xx.json for each corresponding language available on your app.

  3. Remember to export the env.dart file as below part.


3. Export env.dart file

env.dart file is the App Features, that you configured on the Features tab below:

To export the configured App Features, click Features > Tools > Export Data > EXPORT in Config ENV part and save it on your local.