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In contrast to the Export feature, Import feature is useful when you would like to import the Design or Features Configuration (.json or env.dart files) in your local into the builder to continue editing.

1. Import .json file

To change your app design (.json files), import it into the Builder to continue customizing.

Step 1: Select Features > Import Data > Open Design File > select your .json file (e.g. config_en.json) > UPDATE:

Step 2: Select the language of design:

  • To customize English design → import config_en.json set default language to English
  • To customize Arabic design → import config_ar.json to set default language to Arabic
  • (Same for other languages)

Now continue customizing what you want 🙂

2. Import env.dart file

To change your features configuration (env.dart file), import it into the FlickMax tool to continue customizing.

Steps: select Features > Import Data > Open Config File > refer to your env.dart file > UPDATE:

Now continue customizing what you want 🙂